Fun Lettering Class #2
Created: June 28, 2009
Class length: 2.5 hours Please read class policy at the bottom of this page.
In this class you will learn the Versals hand. It's a fabulous style and lends it self beautifully for decorating. We will use punched out flourishes, Peel Offs flourishes, rubber stamp on the flourishes, working with a graphic look as well as a classic look. Time permitting we'll get into coloring as well. |
Class and payment Policy: PAYMENT POLICY: Please note, a reserved place is on a first come first paid basis. Send me an email to let me know you'd like to attend and which classes/dates/times you're signing up for. I will send you a Pay Pal invoice and put you on the list. If I don't receive payment for the class, either by Pay Pal or check within 4 working days after I send the invoice, your name will be dropped down the list. Please note, checks will be cashed immediately. No refunds issued unless class is cancelled. START TIME: Please note the time of each class and BE ON TIME. It's very inconsiderate if you show up late and disturb everyone else. The class will start on time and you will have to catch up as best you can. Please also note, "do not bring any tools with you unless you need advice with something".
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