"Kersal More Colored Artwork"

Created: May 14, 2009
Modified: August 16, 2009


ID: R on Black
3"w x 3.5"h

Outline the letter with a gold, silver or white gel pen then lightly color the letter with a white Prisma colored pencil, then Lay in your other two colors, usually the darker on the bottom and the lighter on the top. Concentrate the colors in the corners, going to a little less pressure as you're going away from the corners. Leave white space between the colors. Then blend with your Lyra Slpendor Blender, working in a circular motion from the lighter color towards the darker, then working the darker color toward the lighter until they merge. A good amount of pressure is used and you can literally see the wax from the colored pencil moving as your are coloring with the blender pencil. You can add a bit more white on top of the colors to continue moving the colors.

The background of the square was done with Winsor & Newton Iridescent medium mixed with a bit of water in my waterbrush. Just adds that touch of shimmer.

ID: Kersal Card
7"w x 5"h

White Mayfair Cover stock. Derwent Inktense watercolor pencils for main letter & Green glitter. Colored pencils for Monoline letters.


ID: Kersal Card
7"w x 5"h

White Mayfair Cover stock. Twinkles H2o's, Red variegated Gold Leaf for main letter. Colored pencils for Monoline letters.


Heritage 07 - Autumn

Image: 9.5"w X 13"h 

I used a white Mayfair Cover cardstock and wrote the quote with my gouache and gold powder mixture and using a script type nib in a very funky style. The word "Autumn" is a Kersal "A" and Kersal monoline alphabet, using Derwent Inktense colors for the "A" with a touch of variegated red and green gold leaf. The rest of the word uses Koh-I-Noor woodless colored pencils.


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