Brusho Letters - Destiny

Created: April 9, 2023
Size: 8"w x 10""h

I just took a class with Mike Gold "Composition for Calligraphers" hosted by Ocala Calligraphy Group

This was one of the homework assignments.

On Fabriano 1264 CP W/C paper using a very very diluted walnut ink and a Selectum White Taklon 1/4" brush wrote out the letters - one at a time and dropped in Brush powders (yellow, turquoise and brilliant red). Let the colors merge a bit then blotted to remove all water. When done, dried and added a graphite shadow with a Caran d'Ache 2B pencil ad paper stump.

Wrote in the rest of the text with a brown Juice Up pen in a basic monoline.






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